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News (Page 106)
U.S. Army Sergeant John Williams wanted to set up a booth when he was asked to leave the Tri-State Gun…
The USDA took down its public database of violations of the Animal Welfare Act, which was used to hold organizations…
A judge sentenced the former head of Boulder City's animal shelter for killing her own dog. She has been investigated…
An army private who left her dog with a family friend was shocked to learn that he had been given…
A woman was arrested after she blocked a cop with a gun pointed at her dog who was chained. The…
There were no fatalities when a truck flipped into a ditch while taking over 100 puppies, likely from a puppy…
Frances the Dachshund was found tied up in a trash bag. She's unable to use her back legs due to…
A major avalanche in Italy covered a hotel in 16 feet of snow and people are still missing, but emergency…
Hercules is a gentle giant, but when a man attacked his owner while they were on a walk, his protective…
A realtor was showing a vacant home to a potential buyer when they came across an abandoned dog trapped in…
An end-of-year report reveals the best and worst states in the country for animal protection laws in 2016. Did your…
The fire department had to come and rescue a Great Dane named Kora from a tree in her backyard. She…
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