#Rigopiano, il salvataggio ieri dei tre cuccioli di Lupo e Nuvola pic.twitter.com/Vx74hIphOy
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) January 24, 2017
Three puppies are spreading hope for finding more survivors after a devastating avalanche left the Hotel Rigopiano in Central Italy under 16 feet of snow. The region was hit with three feet of snowfall followed by severe earthquakes, which caused the avalanche, and rescuers have been working for days to find anyone who might be left alive. Five days after the hotel was buried, they found the three survivor puppies in the debris.
Rescuers noticed the white Abruzzo sheepdog pups when the heard quiet barks coming from a hole that firefighters had opened up in a wall. They are the puppies of two dogs who lived at the hotel, Lupo and Nuvola. The parent dogs fled from the hotel when the avalanche hit and were found safe in a nearby village the next day.

So far eleven people have been rescued from the rubble and seven bodies have been recovered. Over 20 people are still missing. But the discovery of the puppies gives rescuers hope that more survivors might still be alive beneath the debris. They continue to dig in a race against time to find the missing people.
Do the puppies give you hope that other people might still be found? Let us know in the comments below.
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