In a touching tale of interspecies friendships, Reddit user Oakenboken took to the web to tell the story of his…
Earlier this week, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law that makes it illegal for landlords to refuse to rent…
Southwest London’s Battersea Dogs & Cats Home was founded in 1860, making it the oldest animal rescue facility of its…
VPI Pet Insurance examined its database of more than 485,000 insured pets for 2011, and selected the 50 most unusual…
Just two days after wrote about the in-flight death of model Maggie Rizer’s Golden Retriever, Beatrice, a second dog…
Like coffee from 7-11 or that one song by Collective Soul, there are just some things you’re embarrassed to like.…
In August, first reported on the now-famous photograph of John Unger and his 19-year-old Shepherd mix, Schoep, as the…
A Bulldog named Mudd loves to bounce on the trampoline caught in a YouTube video:
When a scruffy white Poodle mix was found wandering down a road in Cabarrus County, N.C., his rescuers never could…
Worried that the name you gave a newborn could be the same as that of the four-legged pooch across the…
Supermodel and international AIDS activist Maggie Rizer is mourning the loss of her family’s 2-year-old Golden Retriever, Beatrice, after the…
Gallery: Intentionally funny or not, here are 10 humorous signs for missing dogs and cats, including a dog who lost…