When BAD RAP (a San Francisco Bay area Pit Bull advocacy group) took in several of Michael Vick’s former dogs, we at Dogtime were there to cheer them on. We bonded with these dogs–talked to them, petted them, and watched with tears in our eyes as they interacted affectionately with both people and other dogs.
I was not surprised to hear that BAD RAP founders Donna Reynolds and Tim Racer offered Vick the chance to check in on the dogs he’d once tortured… and somehow try to make peace. I knew that to them, changing humans’ perception of the dogs is more important than exacting revenge or remaining bitter. But Vick, who will be in town when the Philadelphia Eagles play the Oakland Raiders, declined.
BAD RAP suggested a supervised meeting place that would not violate Vick’s restraining order. They were open to hearing whatever he might want to say. But Vick did not even reply personally–public affairs director for the Eagles responded instead. There was no offer to make a monetary donation nor was any other sort of good will gesture put forth.
Not even a “P.S. How are the animals doing now?”