Your dog loves you? Here’s how to tell…
1. Not hung up on your appearance

You get the feeling your dog’s up for cuddling, regardless of what you’re wearing, when you last showered, or how foul your morning breath is. He doesn’t care that you’re still sporting sneakers from 1993 or notice that you haven’t combed your hair in six months. Gain 20 pounds? No problem. That’s just more of you to love.
2. Takes an interest in what you’re doing

You’re frying bacon and your dog acts like it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen. Or you’re preparing a pizza and your pup becomes more rapt with each slice of mozzarella you position. If you feel little doggie eyes on you, even when you’re simply making a peanut butter sandwich, you can count on this dog to be mesmerized by your every move.
3. Bristles when you talk about others

Do your pup’s hackles come up when you mention Rover or Sparky? What about at the dog park – does it seem like it’s impossible to pet another pup without You Know Who wriggling in between? Do you sometimes find the photo of Coco face down on your nightstand, even though the Spaniel died when you were eleven? We’re just sayin’…
4. Your pup returns your calls

We all have friends who call and call and call their dogs before they get a response. Frankly, it’s a little uncomfortable for everyone. It’s like the more they bellow, “Mr. Snuggles, come here” the deeper into the bushes the dog disappears. Ask yourself, when you call your dog, does your pup quickly bound to your side? Or does your dog seem annoyed and give you that I need more space look?
5. Tail wags to the right

According to a study by two Italian veterinarians and one neuroscientist, the direction your dog wags his tail says a lot about how he’s feeling. If he wags to his right, you’re probably the human of his dreams. To his left, and it may be he’s just not that into you. Come on, could we make this stuff up?
Oh, and one signal that shouldn’t be analyzed, scrutinized, or otherwise taken for anything more than face value: He humps your leg. This behavior indicates little, besides a willingness to publicly embarrass you in front of your in-laws. And yeah, we went there.
Want more? Read about five more signs your dog loves you.