When you bring that bouncing bundle of energy known as a puppy into your home, you’ve made an enormous commitment.…
Dog Grief (Page 3)
The morning of January 20, 2010, rain pummeled the entire Bay Area. The commute to work proved little more than…
Q/A with Mike and Tricia Smith, hosts of Thursday Night Suppers. What is Thursday Night Suppers? After Molly died, Mike…
I had a memorial service for my dog, but I still feel devastated by the loss. What can I do?
My dog was diagnosed with cancer and died several months later. I'm devastated. How can I cope with this grief?
It's time to put my dog, Bingo, to sleep. I don't know how to say goodbye to my best friend.…
My dog is getting on in years. She's got arthritis and a heart murmur. I love her and I'm going…
Most dog owners will find themselves faced with the agonizing task of asking themselves which is more important–the quality of…