It’s been a rough journey for Mama Betsy. While in her final stage of pregnancy, the sweet Pit Bull was discarded and dumped at animal control. With shelters over capacity, Mama Betsy’s time ran out. That’s when Animal Action Rescue, an Atlanta-based organization, stepped in and saved Mama Betsy.

I’m a very active foster home for Animal Action Rescue. I typically foster Pit Bulls, with a few kittens and other dog breeds mixed in. Of course, I have lots of friends who rescue as well. One night while I was browsing Facebook, a friend of mine cross-posted a picture of a very pregnant Pit Bull at animal control. It was marked “urgent.” I thought she was beautiful, but knew I would be crazy to even think about fostering a pregnant dog. The very next day I heard an animal hoarder/backyard breeder had passed away and more than 40 dogs were being brought to the same shelter where Betsy was. I knew right then that I had to go get her out.
It was clear from her body’s condition that Betsy had been used as a backyard breeding dog and forced to deliver many litters of puppies. The fly-bite scars on her ears revealed the cruel life of a dog kept outdoors in the Georgia heat.
Betsy settled into her foster home and discovered the comforts of bedding, warmth, and loving human contact. She was taken to the vet for medical care. Betsy was healthy. An examination revealed she would likely give birth to five pups.
After about nine days in her foster home, Betsy’s labor began. Twenty-seven hours later, Betsy had given birth to 11 puppies. Betsy’s births were aired live over the Internet where Mama B and her last 11 puppies became famous overnight. Fans continue to tune in daily for their puppy fix and to check on super Mama Betsy, who is a loving mom and cares for each of her pups. Mama Betsy and her 11 puppies will be spayed, neutered, and available for adoptions to loving homes. (Please contact [email protected] for more information.)
Betsy’s mission is to stop backyard breeding and promote spaying and neutering. She is an advocate and voice for Pit Bulls everywhere. Please join the Betsy and Pups’ Facebook page for daily updates and watch the Betsy-Puppy Cam.
Editor’s Note: Beth LaBauve’s two dogs were featured on StubbyDog in the article: Pit Bull Mother Hens
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