dog rock paper scissors video
(Photo Credit: @heytakea_chance / Instagram)

Dog’s Surprising Rock, Paper, Scissors Skills Captured in Video

A dog’s surprising rock, paper, scissors skills captured in a video prove he can be the perfect game night partner. Brewski, an adorable pup who boasts over 22K followers on Instagram, has been making the internet chuckle with his cool content. The furbaby’s recent video shows he not only can be a great companion but also knows his game very well.

Viral Instagram video shows a dog engaging in a game of rock, paper, scissors

Brewski’s Instagram page shared the viral video of the cool dog playing rock, paper, scissors with his owner. While the pup may have subtly cheated here and there, he sure knew his game. The fun video has racked up more than two million views on the platform. The clip shows Brewski and his owner sitting across from each other on a table. To make his choices in the game, the canine has a scissor, a rock, and a paper placed in front of him to pick from.

The video begins with the owner choosing scissors, while Brewski chooses rocks and wins the first round. The furbaby takes over the following one, too, by choosing paper after the former chose rock. In the next round, Brewski again enjoys the lead as he goes with scissors, while the owner chooses paper. However, the canine falls back in the following one.

Brewski has his paw on the rock, but the owner slyly changes their pick to paper and says, “I got you there.” In the last round, the clever pup won again after choosing rock while the human chose scissors. Meanwhile, Brewski’s impressive game skills were quick to garner attention from users, who shared a variety of reactions. One commented, “Bro may have cheated, but I’ll allow it because he’s a good boy.”

Another user jokingly called out the owner for changing their pick and wrote, “Nah you switched your hand after he chose rock.” One commentator simply stated that Brewski “deserved the win.”

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