A smiling Pit Bull
(Photo Credit: Damon Parker | Getty Images)

Texas Rescue Dog With Biggest Smile Looking for Forever Home


Animal Services for the City of Arlington, Texas, first met Bitsy on April 22. She was a stray roaming the city streets. A friendly Pit Bull mix, the rescue dog was ready for adoption within days. The pup went viral on Facebook after the shelter posted a photo of her smiling widely on April 30. The post garnered about 1,000 likes, 210 comments, and 2,600 shares.

Rescue dog wins hearts with big smile, looking for forever home

Pit Bull mix Bitsy arrived at the animal shelter after several residents who had observed her gave them a call. Everyone admitted she was a very friendly canine who seemed to be “enjoying a random stroll…and didn’t want to stop,” per People. Moreover, the officer who brought her in said that she would always remember Bitsy because the rescue dog was “so happy and full of life.”

Bitsy has stolen the staff members’ hearts at the animal shelter with her happy and energetic personality. The canine is reportedly brimming with positive energy and greets everyone with “full body wags.” On April 25, she was ready for adoption, with the shelter estimating her age to be about three or four years.

Animal Services for the City of Arlington, Texas has listed her as a VIP Adoptable Pet as they believe she might be deaf or hard of hearing. So, her adoption fees have been reduced, and she gets to enjoy the spotlight as a special feature. Moreover, on April 30, she got a chance to peek out the window of the facility’s adoption mall. Her viral photo was captured there, as the rescue dog loves being around people and enjoys looking at potential pet parents and staff members.

Unfortunately, Bitsy is still looking for a forever home. The Pit Bull mix will need a responsible owner open to working with her deafness. However, the shelter stated that she is a very smart pup with a fun personality. So, her future pet parents will surely love her company.

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