The International Day Of Happiness is celebrated on March 20th, and no one makes us happier than our dogs. That’s why we should take some time to enjoy the day with our furry best friends and share in our happiness together. The International Day Of Happiness was first celebrated in 2013 after the United Nations resolved that happiness should be a fundamental human goal, not just economic growth. As dog lovers, we understand better than most that happiness can’t always be bought. Our dogs are a great example of that. They don’t care about money. They’re just happiest when they spend time with the people they love. We should always remember the lessons we learn from our precious pooches, and this holiday is a great reminder to spread happiness and share it with those that we care about. Here are five ways you can share your happiness with your dog in honor of the International Day Of Happiness.
1. Go On A Nature Hike

One of the best ways to share happiness with your dog is to enjoy the wonders that are all around you. It doesn’t cost any money to get outside and appreciate the world just as it is. A nature hike is the perfect way to get your dog some exercise, let them smell some new smells, and spend some time bonding. A tired dog is a happy dog, so providing them with plenty of exercise and showing them that you care will make them very happy. You will feel happy, too, as you’ll get a chance to experience the beauty of the natural world, enjoy your dog’s company, and get some fresh air and exercise for yourself.
2. Plan A Road Trip

If your dog can’t help but do a happy dance at the mere mention of a car ride, hit the road with your pup for a day. Spending time in the car together, seeing new sights, and getting out of the house will give you a nice change of pace. You’ll be able to see some things you wouldn’t see by just staying at home, and your best buddy will be there for the ride. You’d be surprised how relaxing a car ride can be when you just shut out the concerns of the rest of the world for a little while and enjoy the one-on-one company of a dog that you love.
3. Go To A Dog-Friendly Event

If you don’t live close to a place where you can go for a nature walk, and you don’t want to drive far, you can always check out your city’s local dog-friendly events. These are great ways for you to meet new people and for your pup to mingle with other canines. Some events are dog specific and are meant to raise money for local shelters or rescue groups, but other events cater to a human audience and allow dogs to tag along. Street fairs, farmers markets, and festivals often allow well-behaved dogs to attend, and you’ll get a chance to share in the happiness of the people and pups around you. If you’re wondering where to find these events, you can always take a look online, check with your local chamber of commerce, or contact a local animal shelter, as they often know what kinds of dog-friendly fundraisers and events are happening in the area.
4. Learn Something New
Dogs love learning new things. Even old dogs can find the task of learning a new command or trick to be mentally and physically stimulating, as well as very rewarding. Chances are good that your dog likes to please you, and one of the ways you can give each other feedback about how you’re feeling is to engage in learning activities. First, you should learn something for yourself about dog training. Try looking up a new trick online and figure out how to best teach it to your dog. Then share the experience with your pup. Show your dog that they make you happy by learning something new, and they’ll show you how happy they are to get it right and get plenty of rewards.
5. Make The Most Of The Moment

One of the great things about the International Day Of Happiness is that it reminds us, at least for a day, to not take happiness for granted. We never have nearly enough time for our dogs, and too often we fall into a routine. We forget to acknowledge and be thankful for how happy our dogs make us sometimes. So for one day, share your happiness with your dog. Put aside all the worries you have and all the exhaustion you may feel from working hard and live in the moment with your pup. When you look back on your time together, you’ll have some unforgettable memories and be able to think of the times when you were happiest together. Don’t pass up this opportunity to share in the happiness that you and your dog give to each other.
Are you going to celebrate the International Day Of Happiness with your dog? Do you have any plans to make your dog happy for the holiday? Let us know in the comments below!