Netflix’s ‘Dogs’ Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: ‘Space for Dogs’

dogs season 2 episode 2
Source: Netflix

Netflix’s “Dogs” brings us on heartfelt adventures with man’s best friend. Each episode of the docuseries lets the viewer in on the lives of individuals and their canine companions, sharing the bond between animals and their caregivers. The series — helmed by Emmy- and Oscar-winning filmmakers — shows us that the love between man and animal is an experience that connects us universally.

In season 2 episode 2 of Netflix’s “Dogs,” retired NASA astronaut Leland Melvin travels the country in his modified dog-friendly van on speaking gigs. Zorro and Roux, Leland’s two rescued Rhodesian Ridgebacks, accompany him on his voyages. Leland travels to schools and NASA events, speaking to children about his life as an astronaut and his missions to space. His next mission’s destination lies in Colorado.

Healing in the Journey in Netflix’s ‘Dogs’

As we follow Leland, he tells us stories of adventure, triumph, and heartache. Leland lost seven of his friends and colleagues on February 1, 2003 when the space shuttle Columbia was destroyed as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere. Following the tragedy, grief overwhelmed him. In Leland’s time of need, his dog Jake was by his side. Leland adopted Jake following an accident in 2001, when an injury during NASA training caused him to temporarily lose his hearing. Doctors told Leland that he would never be able to fly to space. Jake helped Leland through the ordeal, bringing confidence and a renewal of happiness that surpassed his initial devastation. Soon after, Leland regained his hearing and was cleared for flight.

After the Columbia disaster, Leland and Jake drove 4,000 miles across the country. Once again, Jake accompanied Leland on a journey to find healing. Leland hoped to climb to the top of Colombia Point, a 14,000 foot mountain in Colorado. At the top of the peak sits a plaque dedicated to the lost crew, erected following the accident. Due to weather and the difficulty of the climb, Leland and Jake were unable to reach the top.

14 years later, Leland, Zorro, and Roux set out on the road in their van, compass aimed towards Columbia Point. The team begins their journey, traveling from Virginia to Colorado. Leland admits the difficulty of the adventure; climbing a mountain with two dogs and gear is no easy task. Although ambitious, Leland feels it is important to honor the lost crew by completing this mission. He hopes that in paying his respects, he’ll find closure.

On the road, the trio meet many new people. Roux and Zorro immediately disarm people, turning strangers into friends.

‘Welcome to Colorful Colorado’

Upon reaching Colorado, the team continue to the mountain. After passing 12,000 feet, the weather becomes more hazardous.  Leland assesses the danger, determining that it would be unsafe to continue hiking to the summit. He considers the risk, not only for himself, but for Zorro and Roux. Although they did not reach the plaque, Leland says the experience on the mountain with his dogs was spiritual. In the end, the attempt and the shared experience of the journey left Leland feeling that he honored his lost teammates.

In season 2 episode 2 of Netflix’s “Dogs,” we witness the pursuit of a dream alongside beloved canine companions. Like Leland, it’s important to prepare for voyages with your dog. While hiking is a popular pastime, adequate preparation and foresight into potential hazards is essential. Always remember to make sure your pet is healthy enough for strenuous activity, pack enough food, clean water, and first-aid supplies. Keep your dog on a leash and remain aware of your surroundings. Be cautious of wildlife and pay attention to indications of weather. You can find more tips here


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