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Dog Health (Page 34)
Noisy breathing in dogs often happens when a dog is suffering from a respiratory condition. The condition can be heard…
Neuropathic pain in dogs is a condition that often happens after a dog suffers from a trauma or injury. The…
Nerve sheath tumor in dogs is a condition that takes root in the nervous system. The tumors can be benign…
Nerve disorder affecting multiple nerves in dogs harms nerves that are outside the central nervous system. The condition can affect…
Neck and back pain in dogs is a frequent condition. However, the condition can be hard to diagnose because your…
Natural treatments for managing arthritis in dogs is a way to manage pain. The treatment aims to improve your dog's…
Nasal tumors in dogs is a form of canine cancer. Unfortunately, the condition often goes undetected until it reaches an…
Nasal passage narrowing in dogs happens when part of the nasal passage is narrower than normal. The condition causes breathing…
Nasal dermatoses in dogs is a collection of skin conditions that affect the nose. The condition can affect both the…
Narrowing of the esophagus happens when the tube that connects the throat to the stomach narrows. The condition can affect…
Narrowing of the anal or rectal opening in dogs happens when the anus is constricted by scar tissue. The condition…
Narrowed bronchi in dogs happens when there are problems with the trachea. The condition can cause a chronic cough and…
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