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Dog Health (Page 122)
Fecal impaction in dogs is a condition where very hard and dry stools collect in the rectum or colon. The…
The short answer is yes, your dog can have pumpkin. Not only is pumpkin a nice change of pace for…
Folliculitis in dogs is a condition where some of the dog's hair follicles become inflamed. It usually occurs when bacteria…
Glaucoma in dogs is a condition where too much pressure is placed on one or both eyes. It can end…
Many natural foods and supplements can be added to your dog's diet that may provide some relief from the pain…
Canine herpes virus is a condition that comes about due to a viral infection. It's often abbreviated to CHV and…
Skin allergies in dogs occur when the immune system over-reacts or is hypersensitive to a particular substance, also known as…
Swollen eyes in dogs, also known as blepharitis, refers to a medical condition in which your pup's eye or eyes…
Megaesophagus in dogs is a condition where food and liquids accumulate in the canine's esophagus. This means that the food…
Lick granuloma is a condition where a dog becomes obsessed with licking a part of the front of their legs.…
Laryngitis in dogs is a condition where the larynx becomes inflamed. It's usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection…
Phenobarbital is one of the most commonly used drugs to treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders in dogs. It is…
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