Here at DogTime, we promised to support the National Canine Cancer Foundation’s Smile for a Cure campaign in whatever we could, but we also wanted to get in on the fun. The Smile for a Cure program pairs dog and cat owners with pet photographers nationwide with the goal of conquering canine cancer. Participating photographers donate their time and sitting fees to the NCCF, and humans walk away with professional portraits of their animals — everybody wins.
So… we spiffed up our office cat, Murray, and summoned our honorary office dog, Leia, for their special session with Chickpea Photography’s Cyndy Kuiper. (You can find your own local Smile for a Cure photographer exactly the way we did: Simply go to the Smile for a Cure site and click the “find a photographer!” link at the bottom of the page.)
Cyndi arrived just as Murray was readying for his noontime siesta, and she quickly learned that coaxing Murray to loosen up in front of the lens was a breeze. He preened, vamped, and just generally relaxed as Cyndi snapped away. Murray in Repose and Murray Looking Coy proved signature poses.
Capturing this cat in action was slightly more challenging. Cyndi explained that some pet photographers stick to dogs exclusively — getting felines to do anything is just too difficult, and Murray lived up to the rep. With some coordinated maneuvers by the DogTime staff and Cyndi’s proficiency wielding both cat toy and camera, we ended up with beautiful shots of Murray on the move.

Then it was Leia’s turn: consummate Corgi and performer extraordinaire. A little sweet talk (and ok, a cookie or several) was all it took. Leia sat, danced, and caught treats in the air, tossed by her human, Marshall.
All told, the DogTime animals turned out to be fantastic sports, and we bi-peds felt really good about contributing to such a worthy cause. Not to mention, DogTime came away with stunning portraits of two of our favorite beasts. Thanks to Chickpea Photography for capturing the essence of Murray and Leia so naturally and exquisitely. And even greater thanks for supporting Smile for a Cure.