Animal Communicators: are they for real?

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By Michele C. Hollow, Pet News and Views

I think we can all talk to our pets. Not in the way you and I communicate. We know our pets, understand their quirks, and I know they understand ours. I’m bringing this up because I’ve received a large number of requests from people who want to “read” my cat Earl Gray. These folks call themselves animal communicators.

When it comes to animals, I think we all have the gift. What I mean by gift is that we know our pets and can tell what they want—at least most of the time.

When I greet my cat in the morning, I give him a big friendly hello. Earl’s tail is usually upright and it quivers, showing that he is happy to see me too.

We have a different kind of conversation. I don’t talk to him about the weather or about the politics of the day. (I like to think that he is left leaning.) Still, I believe he knows when I’m happy, sad, or indifferent. And I can sense these things about him too.

Body Language

We know what animals are thinking by keenly observing their body movements. I can tell when Earl is hungry, thirsty, playful, or wants attention. He lets me know. He wakes me up early in the morning when he wants me to run the faucet so he can take a drink. When he wants to play, he jumps up on my desk and blocks the computer screen. When he wants to cuddle, he gently makes his way onto my lap.

Earl’s Reading

After receiving a number of e-mails from communicators, I relented and contacted three of them. I told them I’m a nonbeliever. One didn’t know Earl was a cat, and when I told him, he said, “I don’t read cats because they’re too fussy and don’t cooperate.”

The other two asked for photos of Earl. One sent me notes about Earl—basically stating that Earl was healthy and happy to be here. This animal communicator also said that Earl is annoyed with my son because my son plays video games all the time and ignores him. We don’t have video games in the house. Jordon, my son, plays with Earl on a pretty regular basis.

The other communicator wanted to do a reading with me on the phone while looking at Earl’s photo. She quietly called Earl in her mind and asked him if it was okay to talk. According to her, Earl said it was fine. She said, Earl was relaxed and content, which is true. She also said he was fully loved, another truth—but not a stretch.

She didn’t really say anything else.

I think we can read our pets the way a mom reads her human babies. After spending some time with our children–human and furkids–we get to understand their body language.

If you want to “read” your pet, check out these posts—speaking dog and speaking cat. Both cover body language. If any of you have had a positive or negative experience with an animal communicator, I would love to hear about it.

This article originally published here on

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