Pet Product Review – iStyle Originals Doggiewear with a message!

Does your dog have something to say but gets tongue-tied when she tries to put it in a bark you’ll understand? If so,
iStyle may have a t-shirt with just the right message for your frustrated friend.
iStyle t-shirts are for the techie iGeneration, their pets, and tots who want to give the world a teasing peek into their personality or lifestyle.

The doggiewear shirts are absolutely adorable! They come in a box with techie language any iGeneration member would understand. For instance, on the iPaw’d doggie shirt box it says, “User friendly. Open access for back-end functions.” And it comes with a User Manual. Hysterical! Scooter’s owner, Beth, says, “The t-shirt fit Scooter perfectly! He had his iPaw’d t-shirt on when we went to the dog park on Saturday, and everyone wanted to know where I got it!” It’s soft, well made
and machine washable.
iStyle has 6 doggiewear t-shirt messages to choose from: iPaw’d, iPoop/uScoop, iHump, iBark, iBitch and iChew. You can also pick-up a pillowcase, hat, bib, golf balls, a shirt for yourself or a snapshirt for your bouncing baby who may want the world to know, iCute, iCuddle, iPotty or iRock! A perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your favorite furry (or furless), heartthrob!

5 paws up for iStyle Originals!
iStyle doggiewear t-shirts, adult t-shirts and snapshirts sell for $19.99 and can be purchased on the iStyle Originals website along with a variety of accessories.
SS bonus – Enter the promo code “istyleblogger” at checkout to receive a 25% discount on your purchase!
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