Sick of Vick? You’re in luck… maybe. The Eagles’ season, mercifully, ended on Sunday, ostensibly heralding the wane of 24/7 Michael Vick coverage. By all accounts, he’s played spectacularly these last few months, and he’s remained a favorite topic for anyone with a microphone – or a blog.
In the last few weeks alone, Vick’s garnered the mention of some pretty big names.
President Barack Obama: Via a phone call to Eagles owner, Jeffrey Lurie, Obama reportedly commended Lurie for giving Vick a second chance.
Fox News Commentator Tucker Carlson: “…Michael Vick killed dogs, and he did in a heartless and cruel way. And I think, personally, he should’ve been executed for that…”
Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) president Wayne Pacelle: “I have been around him a lot and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner.”
This is an animal welfare – not political – blog, but I still can’t help thinking: What kind of crazy world are we living in when my views align closer to Tucker Carlson than to Barack Obama? (I’m not advocating executing Vick. But I do think he should still be locked up.)
Clearly, Vick has his supporters – among those are individuals I once admired. It seems that many thoughtful, intelligent people believe Vick’s second chance, both to re-enter the NFL and society, and to possibly own a dog again, are deserved.
Not me.
I say Vick used up his many, many second chances each time he tortured an animal, each time he lied about his actions, each time he expressed sorrow about how his life has been compromised. I believe we owe Vick nothing, not even the courtesy of “moving on.”
As respected trainer (and DogTime expert) Eric Goebelbecker so eloquently put it:
“People aren’t talking about animal welfare because of Vick. They’re talking about forgiveness and second chances and how we “crazy dog people” need to learn to let go. He could change the conversation and so could his supporters. But they don’t. They tell me I’m the hateful person, because I keep picking on the poor millionaire football player.”
So if you’re tired of the Vick rants, you may be in luck. The season is over, and for a time, Vick’s athletic achievements won’t be news. But, as my husband reminded me, there’s still the pro bowl.