Pet Product Review – Boobooloon Protective Petwear Collar
Thank you to the Boobooloon crew for sending one of their Protective Petwear Collars for review!
Have you ever had to use an Elizabethan collar to keep your dog from picking, licking or chewing on a sore or stitches? We have, with both our dogs and our cats and found them to be bulky and difficult for the animals to move around in. The Boobooloon inventors experienced the same frustrations before coming up with the idea for their Boobooloon Protective Petwear Collar : An inflatable collar, affixed with velcro, which allows pets the freedom to move around comfortably while blocking them from reaching any injuries below their neck.
We tested the small Boobooloon Collar on Jade who was not bothered in the least by her new necklace, that is until she tried reaching around to her hind quarters and found that was not an option while wearing the collar (see photo right). This would have been fantastic to have when our Great Dane was neutered! When we picked Shakespeare up the day after his surgery, we were told that the staff had put an Elizabethan collar on him which apparently brought out the “drama king” in him because he began thrashing his head around like a crocodile (which was greeted with riotous laughter)!

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