Save money on canine health care


Vet visits are expensive. How can I save money with regards to my dog’s health without scrimping on care?


There is truth to the old adage: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In other words, preventing a disease is most often less expensive than than treating it. Each animal and case are different, but being observant and proactive with pet care ultimately will save money.

Here are some examples of proactive, money-saving health care: taking regular care of your dog’s teeth, protecting them against preventable diseases such as heartworm disease, providing good nutrition, and taking your dog to the vet (or calling your vet to discuss) at the first signs of illness rather than waiting until they have been sick for a week or a month.

5 more ways to save and plan for optimal pet care:

1) Create a special savings account, set aside a separate credit card, or use a service like CareCredit for unexpected illnesses and emergencies.

2) Utilize the web and social media to help raise funds for unexpected expenses. Learn more: Finding Funds With the Help of Friends

3) Volunteer at your local shelter or veterinary office. Network with pet professionals. You may be able to negotiate a trade of services or labor for veterinary care or supplies.

4) Buy in bulk. Larger quantities save money, but if you do not need all of the food/supplies at one time, the great bargain may spoil. Organize your friends for “bulk buying” of food and supplies to save money.

5) Watch for in-house specials or vaccination clinics at your veterinarian’s office. Many practices are now online and using tools such as Facebook and Twitter, with coupons or other specials offered to current clients.

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