Dog pyometra?


What is pyometra?


Pyometra is a severe condition where the uterus fills up with pus in a non-spayed female cat or dog. Up to 25% of unspayed female dogs can develop this disease.

It is a complex disease involving hormones and bacteria. If bacteria arrive in the uterus at a certain time during the female cycle, a nasty infection will develop and can culminate in death. These bacteria are most often normally present in the dog’s intestine, vagina or bladder. (Click to see a pyometra photo.)

Unspayed dogs who receive hormones (estrogens, progesterone) have an increased risk. Cats can also be affected, although less commonly than dogs. An important difference is that whereas dogs can have pyometra at 4 to 8 weeks after a heat cycle, cats can get it within 1 to 4 weeks.

See other reasons why it’s important to spay or neuter your pet.

Related questions:

What are the symptoms of pyometra?
What is the pyometra treatment?


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