Product Review: PetHealth™ OPC Formula with Glucosamine for Dogs & Cats

Pet Product Review – PetHealth™ OPC Formula with Glucosamine for Dogs & Cats

Last week was my birthday, and let me tell you, age is not something that’s “in your head” you feel it! Well, as pets age, they feel it too. They face many of the same issues as we humans. And like the store bought groceries and fast food we consume many pet foods are over processed and have little nutritive value. Combined with pollution, we’re all full of free radicals that make us stiff, achy and defenseless to a whole lot of nasty things we associate with aging. For myself, I take vitamins and fish oils all with anti-oxidents. I tried to do the same with my dog Champ, but have you ever tried to give a big nutritional vitamin to a dog? Its almost impossible.

pet health opc

Lucky for me the people at PetHealth™ Advanced Pet Care sent me a sample of PetHealth™ OPC Formula with Glucosamine for Dogs & Cats. Giving both my pets their vitamins instantly became easy. You simply sprinkle it into their food. You don’t need a whole lot and its beef flavored, so your pets don’t realize you’ve just fortified their diet. I feed both my cat and my dog a combination of wet food and dry food, so I recommend mixing it into the wet part.

Now what is PetHealth™ OPC Formula with Glucosamine for Dogs & Cats? PetHealth™ OPC is a food supplement made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts, citrus extract bioflavonoids, and glucosamine, designed to promote healthy joints and provide a strong antioxidant defense.


  • Combats free radicals
  • Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Helps maintain healthy circulation
  • Helps maintain joint flexibility
  • Helps promote/support cardiovascular health
  • Helps support visual health/visual acuity
  • Potent free radical scavenger
  • Promotes/Supports healthy blood vessel dilation
  • Promotes/Supports healthy nitric oxide levels
  • Supports healthy blood glucose levels
  • Supports healthy platelet activity

We’ll see how in the long run how PetHealth™ OPC Formula affects my pets. But I think for a $20 investment into their health and well being it can’t hurt. The container is 11.1 oz and should last a good part of the year. Go to to order yours.

If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the Secret Shopper Test, send an email to [email protected]

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