Pet Products Review: Verve Dehydrated, Raw Organic Dog Food
I want to like this product, I really do. With all of the scares about pet food recalls and salmonella I want to make sure that I buy only the best quality products. With that I asked my guy at the pet store “what’s the best?” He suggested Verve for my 3 year old Sheltie and Prowl for my 4 year old cat . Both from The Honest Kitchen.
The ingredients are organic rye and barley and beef. Sounded like the salad bar at Whole Foods.

Our family started with Verve. I was prepared for the taste test too because I was told the product is completely human grade. But I couldn’t do it. The smell and consistency were anything but appetizing. I followed the directions exactly and yet what i served my dog was an ugly brown gruel that was smelly and the consistency of a cow pattie.
Verve was not inspiring to Champ either. He would not touch the bowl of food. Despite attempts to hide Verve in his favorite supermarket wet food the entire bowl went into the trash.
What I did like about this product was that I bought a sample bag. $2.50 for a 1 lbs bag. The risk was not as great as if I bought a big box. So, if you are very concerned about healthy pet nutrition I recommend trying this product, but don’t be disapointed if your pet turns up his nose.
Go to The Honest Kitchen for more products and to purchase your samples.