With all that’s going on with the NFL’s player controversies, how about some good news for a change?
According to Sports Illustrated, Darlene Bering showed her support for the Seattle Seahawks by putting the 11 puppies and mama Retriever Satya in jerseys with the number 12 to represent the 12th man. Her owner posted pictures of the pooches on Twitter:
@HeroldAnna pic.twitter.com/BNDxUswenP
— Darlene Berning (@dclemintine) September 15, 2014
#Teamspirit #Seattle #Seahawks pic.twitter.com/aOmSIbtmEc
— Darlene Berning (@dclemintine) September 16, 2014
@BillWixey Satya and her 11 puppies continue to show the 12th man spirit! pic.twitter.com/t1P2hfUiuC
— Darlene Berning (@dclemintine) September 17, 2014
@KIRO7Seattle Happy birthday to @PeteCarroll from Satya and her 11 puppies pic.twitter.com/slw2rMHbZL
— Darlene Berning (@dclemintine) September 15, 2014
For the uninitiated, the “12th man” in football refers to the fans in the stadium who attend the game. (Don’t feel bad, we had to look it up, too.)
Sources: Sports Illustrated, Twitter, Wikipedia