It was the story viewed and reviewed around the globe: a dog appears on the local news with his owner and rescuer after being saved from icy waters, and then bites the anchorwoman on live television.

The happy ending of a dog’s life saved quickly turned sour. The Argentine Mastiff, Max, spent ten days in mandatory bite quarantine at the Denver Animal Care and Control. He has since been released back to his owner. The Denver KUSA news anchor, Kyle Dyer, underwent emergency medical treatment for serious wounds on her nose and lips.
Two reconstructive surgeries, skin grafts, and 90 stitches later, Dyer wants to let the world know that she is doing much better.
Dyer, now back at home with her family and in recovery, spoke out about what happened.
“It was a fluke, it happened,” Dyer said in an interview with The Denver Post, her first since the incident February 8th. “It could have been so much worse.”
Dog trainers and behaviorists have dissected the bite incident in the weeks following, largely agreeing that Max showed all of the classic signs before the bite, flicking his tongue and pulling his ears back nervously.
Though she didn’t notice the signs the morning of the bite, Dyer knows now that Max was clearly uncomfortable.
“He was unsettled,” Dyer said of Max in a Today Show interview, “we think we know what dogs are saying, but we really don’t.”
Dyer’s attitude about the future is optimistic, and she is grateful for all of the support and advice she’s received from fans and well-wishers. “This has been a really positive experience for me, just the way people made me feel so loved,” Dyer said.
Even after all that she has had to endure, Dyer emphasized that she does not bear a grudge towards Max, calling the incident an accident.
“I’m glad the dog is back with his family,” Dyer told the press. “I never wanted anything but.”