Can dogs eat human vitamins? Maybe you want to share a health boost with your dog while taking vitamins for your own health and wellbeing. If we can take human vitamins, can dogs safely eat them too?
The short answer is no, dogs can’t eat human vitamins safely. The main issue with dogs and human vitamins is one of dosage.
Put simply, human vitamins are formulated for much larger bodies. You could risk making your dog sick if you decide to administer human vitamins to them. Only if a veterinarian advises you to give human vitamins to your dog should you do so.
If your dog managed to eat a lot of your vitamins by accident, call your veterinarian for further advice. Here’s what you need to know about human vitamins and dogs.
Why Are Human Vitamins Bad For Dogs?
Human vitamins are formulated for human adult bodies. This means that the amount of vitamins contained in each pill or capsule will almost always be too large for a dog’s body to safely absorb and process.
This is especially so with fat-soluble vitamins such as the vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Additionally, being that they are designed for human consumption, human vitamin pills and capsules might come in a size or form that could prove to be a choking hazard for your dog.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Human Vitamins?

If you realize that your dog has eaten some human vitamins, take a note of what type of vitamins they are, along with the suspected dosage that your dog has consumed.
Look out for any immediate symptoms that suggest eating human vitamins has upset or harmed your dog, such as vomiting, an upset stomach, or seeming very lethargic.
To be safe, it’s best to consult with your vet if you notice that your dog has eaten any human vitamins. Based on factors such as your dog’s body size, weight, and general health, your vet might suggest seeking out immediate medical care.
While it might be tempting and cost effective to consider giving human vitamins to your dog, this is something you should never do unless your vet advises you otherwise.
Has your dog ever mistakenly ate some human vitamins? Did they get sick after? Let us know in the comments below!