Can dogs eat oats? You may be asking this because you know about the benefits oats give humans, and you want to share them with your pup. Humans can eat oats, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is yes, oats are safe for dogs to eat. Oats are in the grain family and are also common ingredients in dog treats and foods. When eaten in moderation, they’re a great food for your doggo.
As with all human foods, you must contact your veterinarian before feeding your dog oats. Here’s what you should know about feeding oats to your dog.
How Are Oats Good For Dogs?
Oats are a fantastic source of fiber and protein, both of which are essential to your pup’s diet. They are also low in gluten, which is not great for your dog in large doses.
The fiber in oats can help regulate your dog’s digestive system. If your pup is having tummy trouble, plain boiled oats are a great option for getting them back on track.
In addition to soothing an upset stomach, oats can lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health. They contain beta glucan, a specific type of fiber associated with keeping pulmonary systems running smoothly.
How Can I Safely Give Oats To My Dog?

There is really no unsafe way to feed your dog plain oats. Oats are one of the simplest grains and require very little time or effort to prepare.
It’s best to feed your pup boiled steel cut or rolled oats. Instant oats can contain preservatives or other additives, like sugar, that aren’t good for your dog. Some instant oats also contain raisins, which are toxic to dogs.
You might also feed your dog granola, which contains oats.
If you want to get fancy with it, you might try baking homemade oat dog treats for your furry friend. Check out Chef Henry The Pom’s recipe for low-calorie dog treats using oats and a few other dog-friendly ingredients.
Has your dog ever eaten oats? Do you have any tips or tricks for making homemade dog treats with oats? Let us know in the comments below!