Can dogs eat olives? Perhaps you’ve wondered if you could share one with your pooch while snacking on some olives in the kitchen or adding olives to your home cocktail hour martini. If humans can eat olives, can dogs safely eat them too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat olives safely. Technically, olives aren’t toxic to dogs. However, there are issues involving the olive pits and anything the olives have been cured with or marinated in that might put your dog at risk.
So all things considered, there might be safer snacks to satiate your dog’s hankerings.
As always, you must consult your veterinarian before sharing any new human foods with your dog. Here’s what you need to know about olives and dogs.
When Are Olives Okay For Dogs To Eat?
From a nutritional point of view, olives can provide your dog the minerals zinc, iron, and potassium. They can also provide the vitamins A, E, and K.
In some cases, olives have also be shown to have a positive effect on inflammation issues and can even help to improve a dog’s immune system.
If you do decide to serve plain olives to your dog, stick to just a couple of olives per session.
When Are Olives Bad For Dogs?

Many olives you can buy will have been cured or marinated in a number of ingredients that could upset your dog or prove harmful to them.
Ingredients such as garlic, chili peppers, and high levels of sodium are often used to boost the taste of olives, and they are all things you want to keep out of your dog’s diet.
In a similar fashion, olives are sometimes sold stuffed, which again could risk including ingredients that can harm your dog.
Olives that have not been pitted also pose a high choking risk to your dog. Always make sure that any olives you serve to your dog have had the pit removed.
Finally, olives are frequently used in martinis and certain other cocktails, but never serve your dog any olives — or other foods — that have been sitting in alcohol for any amount of time.
Does your dog like to eat olives? Do you ever serve them as an occasional treat? Let us know in the comments below!