Can dogs eat chili peppers? You may be asking this because your pup stole a pepper from the counter and is now pawing their face like they are in pain. Humans can eat chili peppers, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, chili peppers are not safe for dogs to eat. Chili peppers are a variety of spicy peppers, including jalapeño, habanero, and cayenne peppers. Bell peppers are technically a chili pepper, but they contain no spice, which is why they are safe for dogs.
If your dog is behaving abnormally after eating a spicy chili pepper, you should contact your vet to determine the best course of action. Here’s why chili peppers are bad for your dog.
Why Are Chili Peppers Bad For Dogs?
Chili peppers are not toxic for your dog, but they may cause stomach upset and general discomfort. These spicy fruits contain a compound called capsaicin, which gives them their punch. Some peppers contain more capsaicin than others.
If your pup ate a New Mexico green chili, they might be perfectly fine. However, if your pup ate a habanero pepper, they may be in for a few hours of discomfort, as capsaicin tends to linger on the lips and tongue.
Bell peppers are the only pepper in the chili pepper family that are beneficial for dogs. They have minimal amounts of capsaicin and are high in vitamin C.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Chili Peppers?

If your dog has eaten a chili pepper and appear to be okay, they will most likely not suffer from diarrhea or vomiting. If they are showing signs of discomfort, like pawing at the face or excessively drinking water to get the spicy taste out of their mouth, you might need to contact your vet for guidance.
Most dogs are completely fine after they pass the spicy food. One or two incidents of eating a chili pepper will not do any damage to your pup, but several instances of eating spicy food can cause intestinal problems.
It’s best to keep your doggo away from chili peppers.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten a chili pepper? Did they show any signs of discomfort? Let us know in the comments below.