Can dogs eat hazelnuts? Perhaps you’ve thought about sharing some with your pooch while you’re snacking on a handful of hazelnuts. If humans can eat hazelnuts, can dogs safely eat them too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat hazelnuts safely. Technically, hazelnuts are not toxic for dogs, but there are quite a few potential issues that could come with a dog eating too many hazelnuts.
So while you don’t need to panic if your dog scarfs down a couple of hazelnuts, there might be more appropriate nut-based canine snack options out there such as cashews.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your beloved pooch, including snacks like nuts. Here’s what you need to know about hazelnuts and dogs.
When Are Hazelnuts Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Hazelnuts are not considered to be toxic to dogs.
In terms of nutritional benefits, they are high in protein and certain essential fatty acids that can help to keep your dog’s skin and joints in good health.
When Are Hazelnuts Bad For Dogs?

The biggest issue with feeding hazelnuts to a dog is the fat content that the nuts contain. Being that they’re high in fat, eating too many of them could contribute to a dog developing canine obesity.
Additionally, there’s a chance that eating hazelnuts could bring on a case of pancreatitis.
Along with the fat content, the nuts might also become a choking hazard for your dog or cause an intestinal blockage if dogs don’t chew them properly. An intestinal blockage might, in turn, result in diarrhea, vomiting, and a bloated stomach.
Finally, if you do decide to let your dog snack on a few hazelnuts, make sure that they have not had any extra salt added to them and were not packaged in with other nuts that might be toxic to dogs, such as macadamia nuts or pecans.
Does your dog love eating hazelnuts? Do you ever serve them up as a treat? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!