Can dogs eat mackerel? If you love eating mackerel at mealtimes, you might have found yourself wondering whether mackerel is a fish that your dog can also enjoy. If humans can eat mackerel, can dogs safely eat it too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat mackerel safely. Most species of mackerel are safe for dogs and offer a range of nutritional benefits, including being a great source of protein and offering a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids.
But certain types of larger mackerel, including king mackerel and Spanish mackerel, are more likely to contain high levels of mercury and are best avoided.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your beloved dog, including fish. Here’s what you need to know about mackerel and dogs.
When Is Mackerel Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Most mackerel will be fine for dogs to eat. It contains high amounts of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and packs a lot of protein, all things that are beneficial to your dog’s health and wellbeing.
Mackerel also provides a good amount of vitamin D.
When Is Mackerel Bad For Dogs?

While many mackerel are safe for dogs to eat, some of the larger types are more likely to contain higher levels of mercury. So avoid king mackerel and Spanish mackerel to keep your dog safe.
When serving mackerel to your dog, make sure that you serve it cooked plainly, ideally steamed or poached in nothing but water.
Avoid raw mackerel. While it might not harm your dog in some cases, contaminated raw fish could also result in cases of listeria or salmonella.
Also, canned or jarred mackerel might have been preserved with additional ingredients or extra sodium that could harm or upset your dog.
When serving cooked mackerel to your dog, also be on the lookout for the presence of bones which could become a choking hazard.
When it comes to figuring out precisely how much safe mackerel you should feed to your dog, the answer will depend on a number of factors including your dog’s age, weight, breed, and nutritional needs. Your vet can help you figure out a safe and healthy amount to feed to your dog.
Has your dog ever tried mackerel? How did they like it? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!