Can dogs eat flounder? Maybe you’ve been preparing some of this fish for dinner in the kitchen and wondered whether there’s a chance that your faithful dog could also enjoy a taste. If humans can eat flounder, can dogs safely eat it too?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat flounder. Like most fish, flounder is a great source of lean protein. It also contains a high amount of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are great for your dog’s health and wellbeing.
It’s just important to remember that there are a couple of safety precautions to consider when preparing fish for your dog, including making sure there are no bones and that it is cooked very plainly.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your beloved dog, including fish. Here’s what you need to know about flounder and dogs.
How Is Flounder Good For Dogs?
Flounder is a great source of protein for dogs. If you find out that your dog is allergic to other proteins like chicken or beef, you can consider flounder as a suitable substitute.
Additionally, flounder contains a high level of Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help to keep your dog’s coat is excellent condition and also improve their immune system.
Flounder is also a fish that is usually categorized as having low levels of mercury, which means it’s a safer choice for your dog.
How Can I Safely Give Flounder To My Dog?

When serving flounder to your dog, it’s important to make sure that it is both cooked safely and properly.
While a small amount of raw fish might be okay for your dog in some circumstances, it’s smart to avoid feeding raw fish — including flounder — to your dog as it may lead to salmonella or listeria.
When cooking flounder for your dog, stick to steaming or poaching it in plain water. Adding extra seasonings or oils could upset your dog’s stomach, or even lead to more severe reactions. So keep it safe and simple.
Finally, make sure that any flounder you serve to your dog is free from fish bones. This is because the fish bones may prove to be a choking hazard.
In terms of exactly how much flounder you can safely feed to your dog, this will depend on a number of factors including your dog’s age, weight, breed, and nutritional needs. Your vet can help you figure out a safe and healthy amount to feed to your dog.
Has your dog ever tasted flounder? Do they like any other types of fish? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!