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Can Dogs Eat Jujube? Is Jujube Safe For Dogs?

Asian fruits are very popular among humans and dogs alike, but what about the jujube? Can dogs eat jujube? Is this fruit just as healthy for dogs as the dragon fruit, or the loquat?

Fortunately, the short answer is partly yes; dogs can safely eat jujube flesh, but both dragon fruit and loquat are healthier options with less preparation needed. Both pits and seeds are present, and you must remove them before offering the fruit to your pup.

If you’re partial to Asian fruits and looking to try out the jujube for both you and your dog, then you must consult your veterinarian first. Dietary changes can have unexpected consequences depending on the health of your dog. Your vet will know what your dog, specifically, can and cannot have.

How Is Jujube Safe For Dogs?

The jujube hails from Asia and is essentially a small red date. They’re oval-shaped and have a similar taste profile as apples with a chewy texture. They contain two seeds, as well as sweet and chewy pits, all of which should be removed before feeding to your dog.

Also known as the Chinese date, red date, or the Chinese Apple, jujubes are highly nutritious for both you and your dog. They’re rich in fiber, good sugars, potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamins A, B, and C.

It’s essentially a superfood and a strong antioxidant, great for oxidative stress, cell damage renewal, and immune system boosts.

Sugars, though, have big pros and cons for dogs. Fruits that are safe to eat, such as the jujube, provide your dog with energy, but only when consumed in moderation. Otherwise, digestion issues and diabetic complications can occur.

How Can I Safely Give Jujube To My Dog?

Jujube, Circle, Food, Sweet Food, Asia
(Picture Credit: Gaihong Dong/Getty Images)

Jujubes are not toxic to dogs, but the seeds and pits have toxic properties. Much like apricots, as well as the dates we’re more familiar with here in the states, these should all be removed. This is to avoid toxicity, allergic reaction, and choking.

Also, it’s important to only serve ripe jujube to your dog, to avoid stomach upset. Plus, the flavor is far better. When fully ripe, the jujube is red, or dark purple, with a wrinkled date-like appearance. When unripe, they’re smooth and green, and not yet ready for consumption.

Moderation must be employed with all sugary fruits given to dogs. A few pieces of just the flesh on occasion shouldn’t cause any issue.

Even dried jujube is okay, but remember that the dehydration process does concentrate the sugars. Portion sizes should be far less than the raw fruit.

Also, keep in mind that just three jujubes contain roughly 79 calories, which is a good bit for a treat.

If you’re looking for a nutritious fruit that you can give to your dog on more of a daily basis, then the jujube isn’t the best option. Something like blackberries would be perfect.

Has your dog ever tried jujube? Is it a fruit that they enjoy? Let us know in the comments below.

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