Dragon fruit is a stunning exotic treat, but can dogs eat this fruit? Sometimes it’s difficult to know with fruits that have such an exotic look or, as in this case, spikey extremities.
Fortunately, the short answer is yes; dragon fruit is safe for dogs to consume. While there is a bit of preparation involved, it’s no more than removing the skin. Everything else is sweet, nutritious, and safe in moderation.
Of course, we highly recommend that, before introducing your pup to any new food, always consult a trusted veterinarian. Plenty of seemingly harmless fruits, such as certain berries or even apricots, can have fatal consequences. One quick call to your vet can save both you and your doggy companion quite a lot of suffering.
To help you better prepare questions for your veterinarian, here are a few things you should know about dragon fruit and dogs.
How Is Dragon Fruit Safe For Dogs?
Dragon fruit is another food where the primary benefit for humans doesn’t carry to our dogs. Rich in vitamin C, dragon fruit is tremendously beneficial for us. But our furry friends don’t need the same vitamin C boost, as they produce it naturally.
That being said, there are absolutely benefits for your pup.
Aside from vitamin C, dragon fruit is high in fiber, which aids in digestion for dogs, as well as calcium and iron. Plus, it’s loaded with Omega-3, which as we know, keeps a dog’s coat nice and shiny.
Tack on the fact that dragon fruit is low in calories and fat, and you have a wonderfully healthy treat for your dog.
It helps that dragon fruit is also sweet and mushy, which dogs love. But, as always, sweet foods do call for moderation, both for humans and dogs, but especially dogs.
How Can I Safely Give Dragon Fruit To My Dog?

With dragon fruit, safely preparing and serving is easy.
Sometimes exotic fruits, such as the cherimoya, are completely not worth it. Sometimes the seeds are toxic, which can leave trace amounts of toxin in the flesh of the fruit. Even once removed, there’s still a risk.
But with dragon fruit, there’s no deseeding involved; the seeds are soft, non-toxic, and perfectly safe to be consumed. They don’t even cause issues for the intestinal tract.
The skin of the dragon fruit, though, while non-toxic, is tough, leathery, and difficult to digest. If you want to serve dragon fruit to your dog, simply remove the skin.
Perhaps you’ve seen different colors of dragon fruit, though, and are wondering if they’re all created equally safe? Fortunately, they absolutely are. All species of dragon fruit can be consumed worry-free, with proper preparation and moderation.
Moderation is, of course, important. Too much of any sweet fruit, regardless of how safe it is, can bring on stomach upset and loose stools for your dog.
Have you ever tried sharing dragon fruit with your dog? Did they like the taste? Let us know in the comments below.