In the United States, black currants are not terribly popular despite being highly nutritious. If you’re someone who partakes, you may be wondering, can dogs eat black currants? Are they safe for dogs to eat?
Unfortunately, the short answer is no; black currants are highly toxic to dogs. They fall firmly in the same category as grapes and raisins for our pups. While highly nutritious for humans, they produce acute renal failure in dogs.
If you keep currants of any kind in your home, it’s imperative that you keep them locked away and out of your dog’s curious reach. Best practices can, and should, be discussed with a trusted veterinarian if you keep anything in-home that is toxic to your dog.
Here’s bit of must-know information regarding black currants and dogs that may aid in these discussions with your vet.
Why Are Black Currants Bad For Dogs?
Often, humans think that fruit with substantial nutritional benefit for them must also be beneficial for their dogs, but this just isn’t the case. Acai berries are another great example of something super nutritious for us that our dogs must steer clear of.
Research regarding the toxicity of black currants, or any currants, with dogs is still under investigation. It is known, however, that they are toxic.
Why they are toxic is unknown, as the toxic agent in the fruit for dogs remains unidentified. Research indicates that it may be related to a mycotoxin produced within the fruit or the presence of salicylate.
Unfortunately, avoiding having the fruit itself in your home won’t always remove them entirely. Currants are found in a number of other products, including various baked goods, such as bread, bagels, and pastries, and even some trail mixes.
Be vigilant in checking the ingredients of products that are all-natural and, otherwise, perfectly healthy for us humans. Sometimes, they have a little sleeper agent that isn’t so great for our dogs. Consult your veterinarian for a list of common suspects.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Black Currants?

Let’s say, you keep black currants in-house, and despite your best efforts to keep them sealed away, your curious pup got into them. This can absolutely happen to the best of us.
Your best course of action is to immediately seek out emergency veterinary care for your dog.
A thorough workup will be completed, including blood work, urinalysis, and serum biochemical analysis, all to verify your dog’s levels for electrolytes, creatine, and blood nitrogen, which will help your vet diagnose potential kidney failure.
Now, in a case where you didn’t see what your dog ingested, but have noticed behavior or symptoms that indicate poisoning, again, seek veterinary care.
Such behaviors and symptoms can include:
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhea
- Extreme Thirst
- Lethargy
- Lack of Appetite
- Urinary Tract Issues
- Weakness
- Weight Loss
- Vomiting
With prompt action on your part, a veterinarian can quickly investigate what your dog ingested and take action to ensure recovery.
Do you ever eat black currants? Do you take care to keep them away from your dog? Let us know in the comments below.