Can dogs eat broccoli? Maybe you consider this if your dog begs for a bite while you’re chopping up some broccoli to add to your evening meal. If humans can eat broccoli, can dogs safely eat it too?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat broccoli. There are a few worthwhile health benefits conferred on a dog when they eat broccoli; although, it’s worth noting that, in some cases, the florets might irritate dogs’ stomachs, so it’s important to keep the amount you serve to a dog on the smaller size.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your resident pooch, including broccoli. Here’s what you need to know about broccoli and dogs.
When Is Broccoli Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Broccoli is not toxic or poisonous for dogs. It will also provide dogs with some positive health benefits, including a good amount of fiber and a decent dose of vitamin C and vitamin K, along with folic acid.
Broccoli is low in calories, so if you’re caring for a dog who’s struggling with a case of canine obesity, it can be a healthy snack.
You can serve it either raw or cooked to dogs. In both cases, make sure that you’re only giving your dog plain broccoli. Do not let your dog eat broccoli with extra spices, oils, or seasonings that might be harmful to them.
When Is Broccoli Bad For Dogs?

While broccoli is not poisonous to dogs, the florets of a piece of broccoli contain isothiocyanates, which can cause stomach issues and irritation if dogs eat it in sufficient quantities.
Many vets recommend the ten percent rule when it comes to feeding broccoli to dogs: As long as broccoli makes up less then ten percent of a dog’s daily food, it should be okay. However, if it makes up 25 percent of a dog’s daily food, it can be toxic. So exercise portion control when giving your dog broccoli.
It is also worth noting that while broccoli stems do not contain isothiocyanates, they can become a choking hazard. So chop up your broccoli stems into small pieces if you decide to feed it to your dog as a snack or a supplement.
Does your dog love to eat broccoli? How do you make sure you safely serve broccoli to your pooch? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!