Woman Feeds Her Dog a Piece of Cantaloupe
(Photo Credit: Grace Cary | Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe or Is It Bad for Dogs?

If you’re wondering whether dogs can eat cantaloupe, you’re not alone. After all, who wouldn’t want to share this sweet, refreshing treat with their pup? But as a responsible pet parent, you also want to be sure it’s safe before offering a bite. As always, you should ask your vet before sharing human foods with your dog, including cantaloupe. Here’s what you should know about feeding cantaloupe to dogs.

Is cantaloupe good for dogs?

The short answer is yes, cantaloupe is good for dogs and is safe for them to eat as long as you don’t give them the rind. Cantaloupe is hydrating and full of fiber and vitamins A and C, making this melon a healthy treat for your pup when given in moderation. Additionally, cantaloupe is an amazing source of minerals and vitamin B6.

Vitamins A and C are antioxidants, which means that cantaloupe helps cut down on free radicals in your dog. This helps slow the aging process and promotes healthy cell function. Vitamin B6 is also essential for numerous organs and functions in your dog’s body, including red blood cells, the immune system, and your pup’s nervous system.

Plus, cantaloupe is a low-calorie treat with lots of water, which helps keep your dog hydrated without gaining unwanted weight.

How much cantaloupe can dogs eat?

A few small chunks or a small slice of cantaloupe is generally a safe-portioned treat for your dog. Serving size can vary between dogs based on their weight and the key to safety is moderation. Too much can lead to intestinal issues like diarrhea. Some dogs may also be more sensitive to the natural sugars in the fruit. As with any new food, give your pup a small amount first and see how they do. While rare, some may be allergic and can have responses such as itching, digestive issues, or even difficulty breathing. Of course, if you notice any of these, consult a veterinarian.

It is very important to remove the melon rind. While the crunchy texture might be enticing for your dog to chew on, melon rind can wreak havoc on their digestive system. It can also potentially cause intestinal obstructions and is a choking hazard.

With the rind out of the way, there are tons of fun ways to serve your pup cantaloupe. You can simply give your dog small pieces from a fruit salad, freeze small chunks in ice for a hydrating summer treat, or even dehydrate it for an easy, dried fruit snack for your pup.

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