When it comes to the health of your dog, running a high temperature or developing a fever is often a sign that something might be wrong.
A whole range of medical conditions for dogs list showing a high temperature or a fever as a symptom. But how can you safely take your dog’s temperature at home? What sort of equipment will you need?
Here’s what you need to know about how to safely take your dog’s temperature at home with a thermometer.
What Type Of Thermometer Do You Need?

If you suspect that your dog might be running a fever, you’ll need to use a thermometer to check their temperature. There are two choices of thermometer that are widely available to purchase: digital ear thermometers and rectal thermometers.
Digital ear thermometers come complete with a small display screen that registers the body’s temperature. To use one, you insert it into a dog’s ear canal; although, the presence of ear wax, hair, and debris can often affect the temperature reading.
When it comes to rectal thermometers, as the name suggests, these need to be inserted into a dog’s anus. Rectal thermometers can contain mercury that expands to register temperature.
How To Take Your Dog’s Temperature With A Digital Ear Thermometer

When using a digital ear thermometer to take your dog’s temperature, you’ll need to insert it into your dog’s ear canal. Be very careful when carrying out this process so that you don’t damage or aggravate your dog’s ear. Never push the thermometer in too far.
It can be useful to hold the thermometer at a 90 degree angle to your dog’s head when trying to take their temperature this way. Additionally, asking a second person to hold, pet, and soothe your dog can keep them calm during what might seem like an invasive process.
Never rush or force a digital thermometer into your dog’s ear. If they seem uncomfortable, stop the process and consult your veterinarian for help.
While digital thermometers can provide accurate readings in ideal conditions, they can also be affected be ear infections, so keep this in mind.
You can buy a digital ear thermometer for your dog on Amazon here!
How To Take Your Dog’s Temperature With A Rectal Thermometer

If you’re using a rectal thermometer to take your dog’s temperature, you’ll first need to properly lubricate the thermometer with a substance like baby oil or petroleum jelly. This is to help the thermometer slide in smoothly.
You may need a second person to help when it comes to taking your dog’s temperature with a rectal thermometer. This is so that they can hold and reassure the dog during the process.
With a rectal thermometer, you’ll need to insert it slowly and gently into your dog’s anus. Depending on the size of your dog, the thermometer should be inserted one to three inches deep. Ask your vet if you are unsure about how deeply to insert the thermometer.
Once you’ve inserted a rectal thermometer into your dog’s anus, you may need to leave it there for two minutes so that it can accurately register your dog’s temperature.
You can buy a rectal thermometer for your dog on Amazon here!
What To Look For
A dog’s normal body temperature ranges from 101.0 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. In general, vets suggest that a dog’s body temperature is too low or high if it registers either below 99 degrees Fahrenheit or above 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
In those cases — or if you’re unsure about your dog’s body temperature in general — consult your veterinarian for further advice.
Once you’ve taken your dog’s temperature, always make sure to thoroughly wipe down and clean the thermometer. Small medical alcohol wipes can be a convenient way to clean your digital thermometer.
Have you recently had to take your dog’s temperature? What tips do you have for anyone who needs to use a thermometer with their dog at home? Tell us all about it in the comments below!