Several Dalmatian puppies have peanut butter for the first time…hypnotic, aren’t they?
A Chihuahua named Dude takes on a kitten…named Kitten, who is bigger than the pooch.
The mighty Rottweiler only looks imposing; underneath his formidable exterior lurks a gentle heart – as shown when he plays…
A hyperactive Chihuahua keeps nipping at a cat, trying to provoke the feline into an all-out play session. But the…
Most dogs love to play fetch with their owners, but four-legged wonder from down under Bes takes the game to…
It’s not everyday that you see a big black dog lounging on a rooftop perch, but if you’re traveling near…
Two Oklahoma dogs looking for a home are making headlines for the strong and healing friendship they have forged. In…
When Greg Gordon made the decision to adopt out rescued animals from his pet store, Dog Patch Pet and Feed,…
It’s the last Friday of April, which is also Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month, but it’s also time for another…
Max, the cat, really wants to play with the Labrador Retriever named Storm, and he’s determined to get the dog’s…
A puppy and a cat play until the pooch decides he needs a, um, break (of sorts).
Video: An older cat doesn't suspect anything when it's approached by a French Bulldog; the dog, on the other hand,…