Domestic pet border collie checking on food in oven,Poland
(Picture Credit: IzaLysonArts / 500px/Getty Images)

Dog Accidentally Turns On Stove & Sets Fire To Home In Missouri

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Recently shared camera footage from a house just outside of Kansas City in Missouri shows something straight out of a homeowner’s nightmare: The resident dog managed to somehow turn on the stove and start a fire.

Thankfully, both of the dogs who live in the home were saved, but the house suffered severe damage.

The story serves as a reminder to all pet parents that we need to take fire safety precautions with our pets. This situation could have ended up much worse.

How Did The Dog Start The Fire?

According to the an investigation into the incident by the Southern Platte Fire Protection District, one of the home’s two resident canines stood on their back legs and took a look at the stove.

While in the process of doing this, the dog’s paws came to rest on the top of the stove, and they managed to activate a touchscreen button that operates the stove.

The homeowners had also left a pan full of grease from dinner the night on the stove, and after the kitchen filled with smoke, a full-on fire began.

The Southern Platte Fire Protection District advised anyone with a touchscreen stove to always use the unit’s safety locks and features in order to prevent such fires from starting.

Fire Safety Tips To Protect Your Own Dog

(Picture Credit: IzaLysonArts / 500px/Getty Images)

Luckily, no people or animals got hurt in this story, but it reminds us that we need to take fire safety seriously with our pets.

When it comes to fire safety tips to protect your own dog, here are a few key things to remember:

  • Add stove knob covers to your stove to prevent your dog accidentally turning it on.
  • Use flameless candles instead of candles with a wick.
  • Keep electrical cords out of reach and secured so that your dog doesn’t chew on them.
  • Avoid leaving electric blankets unattended if your dog shows an interest in napping on them. This is because, just like with electrical cords, your dog might chew through the blanket.
  • Make sure to also stay vigilant and safe around any outdoor situations that involve fire, such as summer barbecues or nights around a fire pit.

Has your dog ever accidentally turned on a stove or oven? How do you make sure your dog stays safe around the house? Let us know in the comments below.

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