Dog Looking Down Railroad Tracks
(Picture Credit: Glasshouse Images/Getty Images)

Save A Dog: South Carolina Resident Saves Dog Tied To Active Train Tracks & Left To Die

According to a report from WSPA, South Carolina resident Dan Winkleman found a dog bound to active train tracks by his own leash in the small town of Enoree.

While walking down his driveway, Winkleman heard the sound of the poor pup’s frantic barks from what appeared to be an unusual location. He quickly came to the dog’s rescue.

“I heard it, and it was coming from an area where there isn’t a house. Where it’s just woods,” Winkleman recounted.

This Was No Accident

Following the sound, Winkleman spotted the dog lying on the tracks with no one else in the vicinity and, from the nature of his barking, assumed he must have gotten stuck or injured.

However, as he approached, Winkleman realized that the dog wasn’t stuck, but was instead purposefully tied down to the tracks.

“There’s no mistaking it. The dog did not just wind up there,” Winkelman said. “Those were human-tied knots. And I tried to untie it, but they were pulled so tight that I couldn’t get them undone.”

Dog Lovers Unsettled By The Incident

(Picture Credit: Glasshouse Images/Getty Images)

Winkelman did, eventually, manage to free the dog from his bindings and brought him home to his wife, Jennifer Winkleman. Both being parents of four dogs themselves, they were “irate” about the situation.

“After he came back and told me that this poor dog was tied to the tracks, of course, immediately I was irate,” said Jennifer. “I wished we could find the person right then.”

Both of the Winkelmans wished that they’d noticed someone walking, or knew anything about the person who did this, now fearful of their surroundings.

“If they felt comfortable enough about leaving this animal to die, what is their mindset?” Jennifer pondered.

Spread The Word About The Adoption & Ongoing Investigation

Director of Environment Enforcement for Spartanburg County, Jamie Nelson, reported to WSPA that the investigation by Spartanburg Animal Control is ongoing.

“Enoree is a nice small community, and folks know folks,” said Nelson. He further indicated that they’re hoping the close-knit nature of the community will uncover the perpetrator.

In the meantime, Jennifer Winkelman turned to Facebook to find care for the dog and reported that he is with Operation Care in South Carolina. They have named him Max, and he will soon be up for adoption.

If you’d like to help, you can help spread the word about the investigation. Encourage anyone to come forward if they have information. You can also share this story to help Max find a forever home!

DogTime also has guides on how to spot and report animal neglect here and the signs of abuse here. Share this knowledge with other pet parents so we can keep dogs like Max safe!

Have you ever found a dog left in a position of distress and danger? What would you do if you came across a dog tied to train tracks? Let us know in the comments below.

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