Leopard was out for a walk with a volunteer at the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter where she’s patiently waiting for a forever home. She was having a good time and enjoying the fresh air when she suddenly stopped near a sewer grate and refused to move. Her volunteer tried to keep her walking, but she wouldn’t budge.

That’s when her volunteer heard a cry coming from the sewer grate. It was a tiny meowing sound. Leopard had heard it and knew there was a kitten trapped on the other side of the grate. Anyone else might have walked by without noticing, but this pup wasn’t about to let a fellow animal in need go without help.

Deputies and more volunteers arrived on the scene, and with a group effort they were able to get the kitten to safety. The little cat is now recovering from the ordeal and staying with another volunteer from the shelter. Leopard is a hero, but she’s still awaiting her forever home at the time of writing this article. You can find her profile here if you’re interested, and if you can’t adopt please share this story with your friends so Leopard can get adopted. She deserves it!
Would your pup stop to help an animal in need? Would you take home a pup like Leopard? Let us know in the comments below!
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