Leaving a dog in a hot car can be deadly. In a town in Ontario, Canada, the temperature rose to over 90 degrees Fahrenheit on the day a Good Samaritan decided to help a small dog locked in a car. At a music festival nearby, an announcement came over the speaker that a dog was trapped in a hot car, and that the owners should come to let him out. The temperatures inside the vehicle would have quickly risen to well over 100 degrees before long, and the owners weren’t showing up. So the Good Samaritan decided he had to do something to save the pup.

The Samaritan picked up a large rock and attempted to break the window of the BMW that the dog was locked in. A crowd gathered, encouraging the man to save the pooch as he hurled the rock over and over again. One bystander recorded the incident and posted it to Instagram.

Well, BMW windows are strong, but they can only take so much. Eventually the glass shattered and the man pulled the dog from the car to a round of applause from the crowd. It looks like they covered the dog with water to cool him down. You can see from how excited the little dog is that it’s happy to be free of the hot car. The owners didn’t show up until 50 minutes later, and the dog was taken into police custody to keep it safe.
What would you do if you saw a dog locked in a hot car? Do you think the owners of the dog should be allowed to have a pet? Let us know in the comments below!
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