Dagger II, who some are calling “Dog-Vinci”, is a three-year-old black Labrador with an artist’s eye. Like many artists, a traditional education just wasn’t for him. He was in training to become a service dog, but when he dropped out, he was adopted by Yvonne Dagger and her family. Shortly after that, Yvonne noticed Dagger II watching her paint. That’s when she asked if he wanted to make a painting, too.

Dagger II wagged his tail and seemed enthusiastic. So Yvonne gave him an easel, created a paintbrush holder out of a paper towel roll, and gave him some non-toxic paint. Soon, Dagger II was creating paintings of his own. The pup picks the paints himself and moves the brush with his mouth. Yvonne helps out by moving the canvas, but every brush stroke is from Dagger II himself.

His first paintings went for around $50, but now they go for upwards of $200. The proceeds go to doggy causes. His current sales are supporting Canine Companions for Independence‘s Walk ‘n Roll at the end of December. So even though the service dog life wasn’t right for him, Dagger II is still helping service dogs and the humans who need them. He’s using his talents to make the world a better place in his own way!
Are you glad Dagger II is still helping people who need service dogs? Does your dog have any hidden talents? Let us know in the comments below!
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