Human: Terrie & Pete
Canine: Willie
Location: Highway
Type: Basset Hound / Beagle mix
Our Story:
My husband and I were heading to a graduation party at our church when we rounded the corner and found four Beagles running down the middle of the road. As Beagle lovers (we have 2 more), we immediately stopped and tried to get them off the road before they got hit. We captured 2 right away, the third one ran off never to be found again, and Willie was the last one to catch. My husband laid down in a soybean field and pretended to be dead so that Willie would come up to him. He finally did.
We took all three dogs home and called our vet. The other two dogs went to a rescue and then to Chicago to work in the airport. Willie was heartworm positive, and I just couldn’t see putting him down. He was only one year old. We had him treated and he is now our new camping buddy. He goes with us all summer and fall.
The sad part of this story is that WIllie was abused by someone. His front legs were both broken and he is now a bowlegged dog. I massage him every night so that the arthiritc pain isn’t too bad. What a joy this Beagle has been to our lives. I only hope he knows how much we love him. He is the most docile and non confrontational dog I have ever seen. Nothing fazes this dog. We are so blessed to have him.