Cheryl and Sammy from Field behind my house

Human: Cheryl

Canine: Sammy

Location: Field behind my house

Type: German Shepherd Dog

Our Story:

On July 28, 2009, at about 7:00 p.m., I was out in the backyard checking my humming bird feeders when I heard this terrible cry. At first I thought it was an injured deer as there are many around where I live. I looked over to the area in the field behind my house where I had heard the noise and saw a small black animal with a long tail. Thinking it was a cat, I started calling, “Here kitty, kitty”.

At that point the little animal let out the most heart-wrenching howl I have ever heard in my life. It was a puppy. Closer inspection indicated it was a German Shepherd male puppy. It had started to rain, so I went in to get dog food and a towel for him. After 45 minutes of coaxing, along with a can of dog food, I got him to come to me. Moses (as I called him at the time, because I found him in the weeds) let me pick him up and dry him off. He covered my face with kisses to thank me for helping him. I had an older dog that stayed in the house, so I made “Moses” a place on the patio–took a large cardboard box and wrapped heavy plastic around the enclosed sides to keep any moisture out, along with several warm towels for him to sleep on, but I didn’t let him go out until the rain stopped. I was up and down all night long checking on him.

The next morning, he was still there in his box asleep. He only stayed out one more night, then because storms were predicted, I brought him in and he’s been in ever since. As I didn’t know if he had run away or not, I tried to find his family. I called all the local vets and both Humane Societies in my area. After two weeks of no one inquiring about him, I decided to keep him and changed his name to William Samual (Sammy).

At his first vet visit, the vet said Sammy was approximately 6 to 9 weeks old. I could not understand, and still can’t, why someone would dump a wonderful dog like Sammy. In the beginning he slept by my bed and when I awoke he would jump up and give me a morning kiss and acted so happy to see me–his joy at seeing me was overwhelming. He now sleeps on my bed–on his side, but still gives me a morning kiss and hug. To me, Sammy is the most wonderful dog in the world. My sister jokingly said I had finally found the man I could grow old with, and you know what , that’s okay with me because from him I get unconditional love. It doesn’t matter to Sammy that I am old, fat and ugly. He loves me for me, just like I love him for him, even if he does have a tendency to chew up furniture. LOL. I am thankful I was outside that day and found Sammy, as he has enriched my life and brought me so much joy, laughter and love.

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