As millions of dog lovers worldwide await word on the fate of Lennox, the dog that has been sentenced to be euthanized in Belfast, Ireland, the animal’s family has released the following statement to the Official Facebook Page For The Save Lennox Campaign:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all again for your messages of support. We are sorry to say at the present time Belfast city council seem to be intent on killing our boy. Despite previous assurances otherwise, we have been denied the opportunity to say goodbye. We have also been told that we cannot collect his body and bring Len home. We have been informed however that we will receive “some” ashes in the mail.
Lennox was taken from his home two years ago by Belfast City Council officials and placed in an animal-control facility on the grounds that his existence violates the U.K.’s Dangerous Dogs Act. He is to be euthanized today.