Corgis are synonymous with the late Queen Elizabeth II. Over the years, she owned over 30, and from 1933 to 2018 she owned at least one at any given time.
The Queen’s fondness for Corgis began when she met the Corgis owned by the Marquess of Bath’s children. King George VI brought home Dookie for the Queen and her sister, Princess Margaret, in 1933, and the family also had another Corgi, Jane. Then there was Crackers, born in 1939, who retired with the Queen Mother to the Castle of Mey in Scotland.
All Started With Susan
For the Queen’s 18th birthday, she was given Susan. The pup even accompanied her on her honeymoon in 1947, and most of the Corgis the Queen would go on to own were descended from Susan.
Susan gave birth to Sugar and Honey – Sugar was the nursery pet of King Charles III and Princess Anne. From Sugar came Whisky and Sherry, who were given to the children as a surprise Christmas gift in 1995. Of the same generation was Bee, part of one of Honey’s litters.
Heather and Buzz were the fourth generation, with Foxy and Tiny descended from Heather. Pickles and Tinker, descended from Tiny, were the first of the Queen’s Dorgis – Dachshund-Corgi mixes – while Foxy had Mask, Cindy, Rufus, and Brush to complete the fifth generation.
Carrying on the Line
The Queen then had six more Corgis from Brush: Windsor Loyal Subject, Jolly, Geordie, Sweep, Socks, and Blackie. Jolly and Sweep both had Dorgis, named Chipper and Piper respectively. Shadow was descended from Windsor Loyal Subject, while Smoky was descended from Geordie.
Shadow had Fable and Myth, and in turn, Myth had Kelpie. Kelpie had four Corgis: Fay, Mint, Phoenix and Pundit. Meanwhile, Smoky had Spark, who in turn gave the Queen four Corgis and a Dorgi. Dash, Ranger, Diamond, and Apollo were all Corgis, while Harris was a Dorgi.
Dash had another five offspring: Rush, Dime, Dawn, Dipper, and Disco. Rush then had Flora, Windsor Quiz, and Minnie. From Windsor Quiz, Queen Elizabeth II kept Emma, who had seven Corgis: Dagger, Dipper, Jay, Linnet, Martin, Plover, and Wren. Linnet had a further eight Corgis, and these were to be the final puppies descended from Susan: Willow, Rose, Laurel, Larch, Jasmine, and Holly.
After Willow died in 2018, the Queen had just one Dorgi left: Candy. So, Prince Andrew, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice bought the Queen a Corgi, Muick, and a Dorgi, Fergus, to cheer her up while Prince Philip was recovering from heart surgery in 2021.
Fergus died as a puppy from a heart defect, so the trio gifted the Queen another Corgi, Sandy, later that year. Following Queen Elizabeth II’s death last year, Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York, adopted Muick and Sandy.
The Corgi Generations
1st Generation: Susan
2nd Generation: Sugar, Honey
3rd Generation: Sherry, Whisky, Bee
4th Generation: Heather, Buzz
5th Generation: Foxy, Tiny
6th Generation: Mask, Cindy, Rufus, Brush, Pickles (Dorgi), Tinker (Dorgi)
7th Generation: Windsor Loyal Subject, Jolly, Geordie, Sweep, Socks, Blackie
8th Generation: Shadow, Chipper (Dorgi), Smoky, Piper (Dorgi)
9th Generation: Fable, Myth, Spark
10th Generation: Kelpie, Dash, Ranger, Diamond, Apollo, Harris (Dorgi)
11th Generation: Fay, Mint, Phoenix, Pundit, Rush, Dime, Dawn, Dipper, Disco
12th Generation: Flora, Windsor Quiz, Minnie
13th Generation: Emma
14th Generation: Dagger, Dipper, Jay, Linnet, Martin, Plover, Wren
15th Generation: Willow, Rose, Laurel, Larch, Jasmine, Holly, Cedar, Bramble