Winston the Whippet, a competitor at the the Fastest Dogs USA event televised on ABC, went viral for his speedy moves at the 100-yard dash.
Admirers on Twitter wrote, “Bro was so fast the camera glitched.”
“I mean look at that form and those muscles,” another said.
Winston was MOVIN’ pic.twitter.com/rvaYm0wwjT
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) September 28, 2022
A Sight to Behold
Although another Whippet named Reas garnered first place in the 100-yard dash, Winston was a sight to behold. The slow-motion replay revealed Winston’s entire body working in perfect harmony to achieve high velocity.
Winston trailed Reas — coming in second place — with an average of 5.939 seconds for 34.44 mph. Reas averaged 5.847 seconds in his heats for a speed of 34.98 miles an hour. While Winston achieved internet fame, Reas thinks his reward was better; his victory meal was sardines, cheese, and a steak dinner.
The American Kennel Club said that some of the fastest dogs in the country dashed after the coveted “bunny” lure in a 100-yard Fast CAT dash, in hopes of being named the fastest dog in the country. Competitors include the top dogs from the 14 fastest breeds, plus the winner from last year. Each dog ran the 100-yard dash twice, with the top five fastest running an additional heat to determine the winner.
“He lives to chase those bunnies.”
Say hello to your 2022 Fastest Dog Champion, Reas the Whippet!
Interested in learning more about Fast CAT? Head over here ➡️ https://t.co/RuFemZijB0 #ThisisAKC #AKConABC pic.twitter.com/PE6mfuo41u
— American Kennel Club (@akcdoglovers) September 25, 2022
Reas is a two-time winner! He returned to keep his crown from 2021, and he succeeded. His owner Lindsay Manetti said, “He lives to chase those bunnies.”