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Eldad Hagar slowly approaches, places a snare around her neck and through the entire process she remains calm and relaxed.
A Sikh man in India removed his religious garment and used it to save a dog from drowning in an…
Her new name "Happy" is a clear indicator of how much better she is doing now.
Patty Cakes the dog and Punk the piglet love to cuddle.
Rowdy the Black Lab's face stands out, but it wasn't painted to look that way. His coat is the result…
There were also several reported sightings of abandoned animals, including one dog that could barely keep its head above water…
You want your dog to be clean and smell nice but a lot of store bought pet shampoos are full…
Watch his video and see how happy Deepak is today!
He was fearful of humans so the rescuers put a sedative in some food and had to wait for it…
A study by a Tufts University researcher reveals that children in military families are better at coping with stress if…
A military dog and his handler were separated after being injured by an IED. They were both awarded Purple Hearts…
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