We at Dogtime are deeply distraught by the images and reports of animal suffering caused by the BP oil spill in our nation’s Gulf region. As consumers, we all have a responsibility to help make it right. As dog lovers and animal advocates, your actions will lead the way.
Help wild animals affected by the oil spill
For general information on wildlife rescue and relief efforts, visit Deepwater Horizon Response.
For more specific information visit Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, which is spearheading bird rescue efforts in the Gulf region. The Audubon Society is also taking applications for volunteers who are able to lend a hand on site in the coming months. For addition information about volunteering in one of the four Gulf states, contact organizations in those states directly:
Or simply give to The Animal Rescue site’s GreaterGood.org, where 100% of donations go to relief efforts.
Help local companion animals
Local animals shelters in the Gulf region are being flooded with dogs and cats whose families can no longer afford to care for them. Your donation can help feed, house, and ultimately find new homes for dogs and cats in need. For foster, adoption, or donation information, please visit their websites:
Plaquemines Animal Welfare Society
If you have a suggestion about how to help animals in need, please post a comment.